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Sort code75350000
Liability and legal information

Liability and legal information

The information on this website is provided only for your information and is not a substitute for personal advice. Your Sparkasse does not accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information provided here. Any third party websites that your Sparkasse may provide hyperlinks to are the sole responsibility of their respective operators.

Delayed information

Please note that all share prices, news and other market and stock exchange information provided on your Sparkasse's website is shown with a delay of at least 15 minutes unless stated otherwise.

No investment advice

The information and statements provided on this website do not constitute an offer for concluding a consultancy contract. Please contact a Sparkasse representative for personal advice.

Consent to the use of the prospectus

Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord  is in possession of all of the requisite approvals for the use of the prospectuses for all of the securities it offers in accordance with Article 3, Section 3 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (WpPG), which are used in accordance with the conditions that govern said approvals.

Limitations concerning legally binding statements / confidentiality

Instructions (e.g. concerning sending money, security orders, card cancellations, direct debit payments) provided by you are only legally binding if provided through our online banking system, by telephone or other conventional means, but not by email. This does not apply to the cancellation of a contract if the prevailing legal regulations or your Sparkasse's contract forms specify that it can also be cancelled in written form (e.g. email).

We do not accept any responsibility concerning the confidentiality of any information provided by email outside the Sparkasse web pages labelled secure.

Target audience of this website

This website is intended solely for use by residents of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of fulfilment for all of the services due under contracts concluded with a Sparkasse is the head office of the Sparkasse. This website and its contents is governed solely and exclusively by Federal German law.


The contents and design of this website are protected by copyright. The information and data contained on this website, written materials and parts of the written materials and images in particular may only be copied with our prior consent. The contents provided on this website may only be used within the context of the functions offered and for personal use. Users do not acquire any rights to contents or programmes. The use rights to any software offered for download on this website are limited to personal use within the context of the use of this website.

Users may only create links to the website of their Sparkasse subject to prior consent. Your Sparkasse does not accept any liability for presentations, contents or any other links to this website on third party websites.

Trademarks and logos

The trademarks and logos used on this website are protected. It is prohibited to use these trademarks and logos without prior permission.

Fees and services

Fees and services

This page contains an up-to-date price list and information on the fees and services provided by Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord as well as other general information as a PDF file. To view, save and print this file you will need a program that is able to open PDF files, such as Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded for free from Adobe. All of the documents are available in German only.

Price list

The price list contains all of the general information on the fees applicable to
private clients.

View PDF

Fees and service list

The fees and service list contains information on other products and services.

View PDF

Disclosure report

The disclosure report contains all of the information required under the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR).


Disclosure report of Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord as of December 31, 2021

View PDF

Disclosure report of Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord as of December 31, 2022

View PDF

Disclosure report of Sparkasse Oberpfalz Nord as of December 31, 2023

View PDF

Private account

Your Sparkasse complies with the Declaration of the German Savings Banks on private accounts.

View PDF

Basic account

The basic account is a payment account with basic functions that works on a credit basis. Here you will find the most important information about the basic account, and the application form.

Consumer information (PDF)

Application for basic account (PDF)

Account-changing aid

Here you will find the current consumer information to help you change accounts in PDF format. As the receiving payment services provider, your Sparkasse is happy to inform your payment partners. Come to us and talk to your consultant.

 View PDF­
Register online

Register online

Registration procedure

This website contains detailed information and explanations of how to register for an account online. There are up to three different registration methods. Depending on the product, please select whether you would like to use PIN/TAN, e-mail or print your application. You will then be provided with the relevant information on the relevant method.


This method is only available to customers who have already registered for online banking. When selecting this method, you will first be taken to the online banking homepage. Next, you will be asked to log into online banking with your user name and PIN. You will then be asked to complete the corresponding online registration form. Once you have clicked Submit, you will be shown the form again to check your details, after which you will be asked to enter the requested TAN to confirm your request.


This method also involves completing the relevant online registration form. You will be shown all of your data again before submitting it and then asked to send the e-mail to your Sparkasse.

Print application

This method also involves first completing the relevant online registration form. Once completed, you will be shown the form again to check your details, and then asked to print the form and send it to your Sparkasse by post or fax.

Confirmation letter

Your registration will be complete once you receive a confirmation letter from your Sparkasse. This does not apply if there are other forms that require your personal signature.

Checking your data

The information you provide on registration forms will be checked for completeness and errors and displayed again for review before submission.

Data encryption

All of the application data will be securely transmitted. Your Sparkasse uses a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol based data transmission procedure. The SSL protocol is used to encrypt all of the data transmitted between your browser and Sparkasse's server. This protects this data from access by unauthorised third parties.

Data storage

Your Sparkasse will store your application data in an electronic format and send you a copy of the contracts by post. Please note that you can always request to view the data stored on you.


All of our application documents are available in German only.

Savings protection scheme

Savings protection scheme

Savings banks are not operated in order to generate high levels of profits. This means that they are not generally exposed to any significant risks. However, this does not mean that are immune to financial problems. For this reason, the Savings Banks Finance Group implemented an institutional protection scheme which has been recognised as a statutory deposit guarantee scheme under the German Deposit Guarantee Scheme Act (“EinSiG”) on 3 July 2015.

Powerful joint liability scheme

The scheme comprises 13 protection systems: 

  • the 11 deposit guarantee funds of the regional savings banks and clearing house associations,
  • the safeguard funds of the building societies, and the
  • reserve funds of the regional banks and clearing houses.

None of the Sparkassen Finance Group's members have ever experienced an impairment in their services since the saving protection scheme was set up in the 1970-ties nor have any Sparkassen Finance Group customers ever lost any of their savings or interest.

Implementation of the EU Directive

The German Deposit Guarantee Scheme Act (“EinSiG”) came into effect on 3 July 2015 and implements the corresponding EU Directive. The Sparkassen Finance Group revised its savings protection scheme to comply with these statutory provisions. As a result, its savings protection scheme has now been recognised as a statutory deposit guarantee scheme under the German Deposit Guarantee Scheme Act (“EinSiG”).

Voluntary institutional protection scheme

The protection scheme's main objective is to safeguard the Group's institutions themselves and protect them in the event of risk or actual financial difficulty. This is intended to safeguard all deposits and offer ongoing and comprehensive protection to customers.

Statutory institutional protection scheme

The Sparkassen Finance Group's institutional protection scheme has been recognised as a statutory deposit guarantee scheme under the German Deposit Guarantee Scheme Act (“EinSiG”). In the extremely unlikely event that the institutional protection scheme should fail, all of our customers are guaranteed to be refunded deposits of up to 100,000 Euro in line with the provisions of the German Deposit Guarantee Scheme Act.

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